Friday, July 15, 2011

In 1900, George Metz had this Arabic/Moroccon style home built for him on the bluff in Quincy, IL overlooking the Mississippi.

We overnighted in Quincy Wed. July 13th, and stayed around Thurs. morning for sightseeing.  We walked about 3/4 mile to Villa Kathrine and then 1/2 mile to the John Wood Mansion.

We walked past the Dr. Richard Eells home.  They are open for tours only on Sat. from 1 - 4.

Then there are the bug bites.  "After Bite" helps. The bites between the toes and on the arch are the worst.


Donna Block said...

Ouch!!! What kind of bugs are they? Mosquitos or something else?

Is the heat and humidity overwhelming?

Unknown said...

We think they are chiggers. They got worse, but after getting Chiggerex Plus as suggested by Bob's Aunt Sue & Uncle Larry, and using it religiously for days, they are finally getting better.

Unknown said...

Oh, and yes the heat & humidity is overwhelming. The two nights after Hannibal when anchored out near St. Charles, MO the heat, humidity and scratching bug bites almost drove me nuts. No seriously. I couldn't even pace about as there was no room. Bob told me the next day he was thinking about where the closest hospital was. That would be "mental" hospital. But the luxury marina at Alton, IL is all it took to regain my sanity.