Monday, July 25, 2011

Cape Girardeau, MO - Flood

Well for the most part we could not tell there was a flood down here.  Of course, we have no idea what it usually looks like, but nothing extremely different than we have seen so far, except this "wash out" as the tow captains called it. It is south of Cape Girardeau.

We anchored off an island where the Mississippi River begins to head north & northwest.  It is a horseshoe bend just before Cairo, IL. This deer was roaming on shore.  The sky clouded up and the winds blew. When we set anchor we were facing up river but once the wind blew up, we spun around to face down river.  There were severe storm warnings all around us, the skies were very dark, but not a drop fell on us. An hour after things settled down, I viewed the weather radar loop and saw that over that 20 county area, we were smack dab in the middle of the storms, but as the loop progressed, their was a 5 mile radius above us that did not record a single rain cloud over the course of the severe weather.

Deer roaming on shore.

Today we headed out of Dog Tooth Bend and are anxious to depart from the Mississippi and head upstream on the Ohio River at Cairo, IL.  As I write this we have been on the Ohio for about 15 miles and our average speed going against the current is 3.4 miles an hour.  Glad we don't have far to go on this river.  We will catch the Tennessee River and head into Kentucky Lake.

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