Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I find it puzzling, but I'm not complaining.  A huge benefit of living on a sailboat is that Bob cleans the floors, scrubs the outside down, etc. on the sailboat but when we were in the townhouse, not so much.  What is up with that? I guess I don't really care to know what the difference is.  I can just enjoy it.

While he was cleaning off all the bug marks (no chad flies, yet, these little annoying bugs we call "moth flies") We have asked locals all along the river since Dubuque what they are and no one seems to have a name for them.  They come in mostly in the evening in droves and land all over our boat and cars parked near the river, etc. 
Oh yeah, while he cleaned, I started giving Wicket a haircut.  She only tolerates it for so long and then I have to give her a break.  So in four days or so, she should be sporting her short hairdo.  Photo to come later.
There was, also, a leak around the inspection cap for the diesel tank, so Bob took that all apart and put sealant around it.  So far it looks like it is sealed up tight.  Didn't do much today other than hang around the boat and repair & do maintenance.  Nice sunny & warm, just the way we like it.  More fishing is in store for tonight.


Sabrina and Tom said...

The worst boat chore is still better than the best house chore!!


Unknown said...

So right, Sabrina.