Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shalimar, FL - Pulling Heron out in the a.m.

The sailboat will be pulled out, mast unstepped and it will be sitting on "the hard" for at least a month.  We'll be heading back to Iowa tomorrow late morning and will get our pickup truck and the boat trailer.  We'll head for Boulder, CO to visit Susie's sisters for Thanksgiving and head back to Shalimar, FL with the boat trailer after Thanksgiving.  Bob is sooooooo discouraged/angry/frustrated with the boating life right now, that he just wants to get away from it all for awhile.  Retirement isn't suppose to be this stressful.  So we will likely put the boat in a cheaper, dry dock storage place and then go and relax in southern Florida for a month or two. We might head over to Phoenix after Christmas or thereabouts.

I'll get a short video later tonight and a photo of the beautiful graceful jellyfish.

Jellyfish Photo

Video - Bummed Bob & the Dance of the Jellyfish.
I love jellyfish.

Tomorrow we will see what the hole in the hull looks like on the outside of the boat.


Aunt Sue said...

So sorry to hear of your troubles and sooo glad it didn't happen on the way to the Bahamas.

Deb said...

Sorry to hear. I can't imagine anyone who can identify with you more that we can at the moment and we haven't left the dock yet. Take your break and stay the course. It will be worth says someone to us.

S/V Kintala

jim and judy bannister said...

Judy and I have been following your BIG adventure since the beginning as we are envious about the trip and hope to do something similar some day.We are in Des Moines for now with 2 homes to sell and then its off to see the world.We would enjoy seeing you both if you have time.Please call us-my number is 515 255 5045 or judy at 515 490 6932 Jim and Judy Bannister. I have had many boat repairs over the years.I get the frustation. take care