Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shalimar, FL - Unstepping the Mast

Thursday Nov. 10th, the marina men took down the mast and lifted "Heron" out of the water.

Preparing for Lift Off

On the Dry

The Hole

After the boat was safely out of the water and we inspected the problem, Bob, Wicket and I headed for Iowa at about 3:00 in the afternoon.  We drove straight through and arrived in Ankeny at about 12:30p.m. Friday afternoon.  Nap time.
So we have been visiting with friends and family and after an intense search for a 5th wheel, we have located one the meets all our requirements.

2011 3185RL Bighorn

Unfortunately, we didn't leave our bad luck in Florida.  We attempted to take off in our pickup truck on Tuesday and it wouldn't start.  The tow truck came out to my sister's place, where we had spent the night and towed the Ford truck to the Ford dealer in Boone about 6 miles away. They checked it out and ordered parts, replaced parts and decided "Oh, that wasn't the problem".  So after more investigation, they decided it must be 3 faulty fuel injection things.  It's nowThursday a.m. and awaiting the call saying the truck is finished. Not likely to happen before noon. 

1 comment:

Marc said...

Bob and Susie, It is so sad to see Heron come out of the water. And to hear about your bad luck with your truck. You should have went to Dewey lol. A good point though, your bottom looked extremely clean. We need to talk, 515 402 3423. Marc