Sunday, November 6, 2011

Motoring Sunday...

Wicket let us sleep in this a.m. so we woke up at 7:50 and after taking her to shore for a morning walk and pulling up the anchor, we were on our way by 8:45.  We planned to make it to mile marker 223, but the wind was fierce out of the east, so we could only go an average of 1mph for the first hour and a half.  It was very exciting when the wind eased up a bit and we were able to reach speeds of 4.3mph.  You can really see the difference.  So needless to say, when it was 2:00 we decided to quit for the day and anchor off Navarre Beach.(mile marker 207.1)  There is a public boat ramp, a bar and grill and a convenience store within 1/2 block.  The boat ramp makes for an easy and alligator free trip to shore with Wicket and Bob is looking forward to coffee in the morning from the convenience store.

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