Sunday, October 23, 2011

Demopolis Thursday, left Sat.

Thursday Oct. 20 we pulled into the marina at Demopolis, AL. We stayed at the marina Thursday night and Friday night.  On Friday, we did a load of laundry and ran to the local Wal-Mart with the courtesy car.  The bathrooms at the marina were really nice and very clean.  They have a nice big lounge with t.v., sofa, chairs, book exchange, etc.  Really nice & comfortable.  Everybody was very friendly, too.

We woke up early on Sat. to take advantage of the early rising sun.  The fog was so thick, we waited around until 6:15 and made our way toward the lock about 1 mile downstream. We had to wait and it was about 8:30 before we got through the lock and on our way.  It was, also, very cold.  Only about 39 degrees or so.  The movie shows Wicket shivering, but I'm not sure you can tell.  It warmed up to about 70 in the afternoon and the sun was shining beautifully.

The morning fog, which we have had every morning the past 2 days.

The following photo is what they call a "floating bollard" which is used to secure our boat while we are in the lock.  The bollard is recessed in this cut in the wall (there are about 5 on both sides of the lock) and they float on the water inside this recess.  Those 2 lines are ours.  The one on the bottom, is the one I looped over as the front of the boat passed the bollard and then Bob at the rear of our boat, loops his line over and we both tie the ends to the cleats on the boat.

The next 3 photos are to show the palm trees we have seen since before Columbus, MS.  With the sun on the camera, I couldn't tell if I actually got one of the palm trees in the picture, but I see that I did.

We often saw sandbars and sandy shorelines on the Mississippi, but haven't seen many since.  The sand is getting more white.

Lots of Spanish Moss around here, too.

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