Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wicket at the Vet

WARNING:  Viewer discretion is advised. Some scenes could be disturbing.

Wicket is at the vet for teeth cleaning, ECG, blood work.  A general checkup before heading out on the sailboat.  Bob had his the previous week.  Unfortunately, Bob did not allow cameras. But both, Wicket & Bob checked out great and are cleared to set sail. The countdown... 17 days.  Vet Assistant - Wyn and Doctor Paula (my sister).

The new haircut.  She does not like having her picture taken.  She's being very patient with me.  Bob hates the hairbow, so it was immediately taken out after the photos.  Bob says she is not a "sissy" dog, so no hairbows.


Donna Block said...

Girl dogs should have a hairbow! It is only right!!!!!

Unknown said...

She really wants off of that table! I can not blame her.. Peter (our lab) does not list the vet as one of his favorite places either. :)