Monday, September 5, 2011

Pickwick Lake - Torrential rains from Tropical Storm "Lee"

We headed to Corinth in the courtesy car on Friday afternoon.  Look what we came home with.  A microwave.  Of course, we can only use it when hooked up to shore power, but even that will be a joy. It was the smallest one on the shelf and it still takes up a lot of room on the boat.  We placed it on the table, but there is still room for both of us to sit at the table & have a plate in front of us or play cards, etc.

I love it!

Saving the dinghy
It has been raining heavily since about 2:00 Sunday afternoon.  Bob woke up Monday a.m. and took Wicket out for her morning walk.  He got back & just happened to look over at the dinghy.  Good thing he did.  It was completely full of water.  The flotation design works.  It didn't sink but all the life jackets, oars, and everything else in the dinghy were floating around.  It's amazing that nothing had floated out & away, yet. 

Bob gets some really bad jobs on this trip.  But, yet, his blood pressure is way lower than when he was working. BTW... it is 1:32 Monday afternoon as I type this and it is still raining heavily.

Sinking dinghy video below

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